Style Wedding Design

The Style Wedding Designers of Good Mood Eventi are image and style expert consultants, ready to advice you on a whole series of crucially meaningful details to make you impeccable, as beautiful and radiant as ever, on the day of your wedding.

One of the first details, for instance, is the choice of a wedding dress that glorifies your shape, and lets you move and feel at ease throughout the day. Analysing the shapes of your face, its nuances and the volume of your hair, our Style Wedding Designers will be able to provide hints and advice on make up and hair style. They will also help you mix and match accessories such as the veil, the train, the tiara, a small hat or fresh flowers.

If you wish, our team of experts can also advise on the choice of wedding rings, which will be the symbols of your promise over the years, and any jewels to enhance your image, whether family or borrowed from dear friends or purchased for the day.

Our Style Wedding Designers also provide useful advice in the drawing up of the wedding list for instance by selecting articles and objects for your house in line with your style and taste, or suggesting to your friends and guests a series of “comforts” and “optionals” to add to your honeymoon and thus make it more unique.

With the same care and originality they will create fancy sweet-box giveaways for your guests, containing delicious sugar almonds, fun candies or colorful marshmallows.

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